Our leadership, with whom building a contact may be important to you: dedicated pioneers of sustainability.
These are professionals who not only understand the challenges of sustainability but are also actively working on solutions.
With their experience across multiple scientific fields and their unwavering commitment, they strive to create a greener and more equitable future. Our team members are not only highly qualified experts with multiple degrees but also passionate advocates for sustainability. We believe that responsible thinking and scientifically grounded solutions are crucial for our future. Get to know the people who work on this every day!
When it comes to sustainability issues, ETS compliance, and achieving carbon neutrality, having the right scientific-level connections is essential.
Company name: OurOffset Nonprofit LLC.
Address: 9600 Sárvár, Alkotmány u. 69. 1. em. 8.
Company Register No.: 18-09-114028
E-mail: info(@)ouroffset.com
Mobil: +36 30 070 8900
László A. Rampasek CEO Founder, Owner office(@)ouroffset.com |
Beáta Szabó SVP beata(@)ouroffset.com |
Villő Lelkes Sustainability, Adaptation, and Resilience Director villo(@)ouroffset.com |
Attila Demeter Regional Director Romania attila.demeter(@ouroffset.com |
Ildikó Lipkáné Szentendrei CIO ildiko(@)ouroffset.com |
We welcome comments and questions.