„The unfashionable truth is that the only way to take direct responsibility for [your] emissions is to enable an equivalent amount to be absorbed, or avoid being emitted, elsewhere.
In short, to offset.”
(Martin Wright, Guardian Sustainable Business)

“Carbon neutrality is an inescapable element
of ecological sustainability.”
– (László A. Rampasek)


About Us

OurOffset Nonprofit LLC. is a carbon trading and services hub in Europe.

We are working to create a sustainable and liveable future, and to get the message across to everybody that only through joining forces we can stop the deterioration of our planet before it is too late.

Carbon Trading for a Better Future

About Us | OurOffset Nonprofit Llc. - Go Green Live Green Work GreenWe, at Carbon Solutions, believe in the power of communities and aligning forces to point them in one direction to make an impact on our global environment that everyone can feel and which can be measured. This is done through the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, which can have a positive effect on climate change. It is our mission to make the opportunities in the voluntary carbon credit market and the positive environmental changes generated by carbon credit trading as widely known as possible.

Spreading the culture of sustainable development is the interest of all, it is the only way towards a cleaner and more liveable future. Good news: We have found the solution. Our business model combines quickly, effectively and transparently the advantages of voluntary carbon credit market services with the potentials and dynamism of building a global community.

Voluntary Carbon Registry

About Us | OurOffset Nonprofit Llc. - Go Green Live Green Work GreenOurOffset Nonprofit LLC. is a leading, multi-role infrastructure provider for environmental markets of greenhouse gases in Central Europe. Ecosystem Marketplace global CO2 assessment certified RESPONDENT.

As a member of the ever-growing global network of EM respondents from over 40 countries since 2014, in 2021 it reported CO2 market inspections and offset trades with regard to projects in 80 countries, contributing to EM’s goal of advancing the CO2 market transparency. About Us | OurOffset Nonprofit Llc. - Go Green Live Green Work GreenOurOffset’s name is mentioned in the “State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets (SOVCM) Insights Briefing 2022” report, entitled “The Art of Integrity”.

The users of these systems include all key market players, from project developers and companies to NGOs and governmental organizations, as well as all small and medium-sized enterprises.

Global Change in Attitudes through Education

Early on, we recognized that for real success mere enthusiasm and joining forces are not enough. To bring on a global change in attitudes, it is absolutely essential to raise awareness and make people well-informed. Our team of experts at Carbon Solutions spent plenty of time developing an effective educational method that can serve as the quickest way to transfer all the knowledge and experience in an easy-to-understand manner. And by creating responsibility in individuals we can finally achieve a global change in attitudes.

OurOffset drives the fight against climate change by making it easier and more affordable for an individual, a business or an organization to reduce and offset climate impacts and stimulate the uptake of clean energy.

About Us | OurOffset Nonprofit LLC. - Go Green Live Green Work Green

OurOffset achieves its goals by:

Climate change education
Measuring carbon footprint
Carbon offsets and reductions
Transparent and public information system (Registry)

Our mission: Enabling a CARBON NEUTRAL economy.
Our motto: Reduce as much as you can, offset, compensate what you can’t!

We encourage everyone to continually strive to reduce their carbon emissions by implementing reasonable cost reductions and cost-effective carbon offsets to make their carbon footprints zero.

OurOffset supports third-party-approved renewable energy, energy efficiency, reforestation, and population explosion mitigation projects globally that have a proven track record of reducing carbon emissions and the threat of climate change.

OurOffset offers a range of carbon neutrality incentive programs to help organizations reduce their operational emissions and mitigate the associated additional costs.
The carbon neutral product certification program is an important tool. It provides a transparent way to ensure environmentally friendly, carbon neutral products to its customers. By determining the carbon emissions of products, reducing them where possible and offsetting and compensating companies for the remaining emissions through third-party certified carbon reduction projects:

Distinguish their own brand and products
Increase their sales and market share
Improve employee and customer loyalty
Strengthen their social responsibility and environmental performance

Company rating

The certificate confirms that the business entity is within the group of companies with the best credit rating in Hungary.

Business entity meets all the criteria for the year 2023 and ranks among the top rating of excellence.

“An A+ rated company is one that shows no signs of future risky business activity. Other companies can successfully partner with such companies because they are likely to continue their successful business in the future.” (CompanyWall)

Al Gore

I was excited to be a part of the “Dream” theme, and then I found out I’m leading off the “Nightmare?” section of it. /Al Gore/

Leonardo DiCaprio


… After 21 years of debate and conferences it is time to declare: no more talk, no more excuses, no more 10-year studies, no more allowing the fossel fuel companies to manipulate and dictate the science and policies that affect our future.
This is the body that can do what is needed. All of you sitting in this very hall. The world is now watching. You’ll either be lotted by future generations or vilified by them. Lincoln’s words still resonate to all of us here today, „We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honour or dishounour to the last generation. We shall nobely save or meanly lose the last best hope of Earth.”
That is our charge now. You are the last best hope of Earth. We ask you to protect it. Or we and all living things we cherish are history.
(Leonardo DiCaprio’s speech (extract) as the final speaker at the Signature Ceremony for the Paris Climate Change Agreement, UN)

Dambisa Moyo

We cannot continue to try and solve the world economic growth challenges by being dogmatic and being unnecessarily ideological. In order to create sustainable, long-term economic growth and solve the challenges and social ills that continue to plague the world today, we’re going to have to be more broad-minded about what might work.

Audrey Choi

Now, sustainable investing, the good news is it doesn’t require a magic spell and it doesn’t require some investment secret, and it’s not just for the elite.
